To get some background of where I want to go with this piece it’s important to have the background of the COVFEFE DIGS linked below.
First off let’s assume that in fact the Rothschild’s own most of the central banks of the entire globe. We have this famous Q drop on 11/11 (Post 135) that lists them all.
Then there is this double post a few minutes apart asking what it means to be covered in GOLD? (Y)
We have an 11/22 hit (think JFK assassination over EO11110) with Rothschilds covered in GOLD…
When Q was asked if we had the GOLD? Q responded Yes.
GOLD shall destroy FED.
But what does that really mean? Let’s dive in!
Q also alluded to the STRUCTURE of the Federal Reserve Ending.
The STRUCTURE of the Federal Reserve is literally a PYRAMID as shown below and on their webpage (Notice the 1,3,5 - Read the COVFEFEDIG to understand this more.)
Before we get into the discussion on all of this we need to look back on how GOLD has been used throughout history. Egyptians believed GOLD to be the flesh of the Sun God Ra.
What is A PYRAMIDION? Well it is the uppermost piece or capstone of an Egyptian pyramid or obelisk. During Egypt's Old Kingdom, pyramidion were generally made of diorite, granite, or fine limestone, then covered in gold or electrum.
They may have sometimes been "COVERED IN GOLD leaf to reflect the rays of the sun"
Gold Leaf is gold that has been hammered into thin sheets (usually around 0.1 µm thick) by a process known as goldbeating for use in gilding. Gilding is a decorative technique for applying a very thin coating of gold over solid surfaces such as metal or stone. So these capstones were covered in a SHELL of GOLD with just stone rocks underneath.
(Pyramidion from the tomb of the priest Rer in Abydos, Egypt
The capstone for the pyramid on the Federal Reserve Note $1 dollar bill
The SHELL which is covered in GOLD is an illusion to think the entire capstone is GOLD when in fact it’s just thinly layered GOLD over normal rocks! KEK
In recent years the Central Banks & Governments have been heavily buying GOLD. Why are these banks and institutions buying up all the GOLD? What does the world distribution of GOLD look like for Governments Institutions & Businesses?
As we know Governments and Institutions, Businesses work hand in glove with each other via NGO’s to further enslave people most notably recently from the COVID pandemic. So if we add up those 2 figures we get a combined control of over 70% of the world’s GOLD supply including owning access to most all of the mining of GOLD as well.
So let’s go back to this Q Drop of GOLD shall destroy FED? Does this mean exactly what it says or should we attempt to read between the lines? There are 2 ways to look at it…. Either GOLD destroys the FED by backing the dollar? GOLD moons so Governments get richer? Wouldn’t this just empower the FED, not destroy it? I thought this was about returning Power back to the People?
Do we have the GOLD? How do we know? When was it last audited? 1974 was the last time Fort Knox was audited and only allowed a handful of senators to see one vault pictured below. 1 vault? Thats what we are supposed to “TRUST”? Now what if Q meant it another way? Like if GOLD (literally holding it) destroys them? What if GOLD itself is the toxic asset that indeed destroys them?
Compare this to the recent announcement of Nayib Bukele who recently published the public address of the Bitcoin wallet of El Salvador that they self custody.
I am going to assume most of you already know about Bitcoin from already subscribing to my susbtack? If not please watch my thesis on Robert Breedlove’s What is Money Show in the link below.
But let’s now take a look at the distribution of Bitcoin across major categories…. Well it’s indeed clear that Bitcoin is primarily held with individual households in fact the overwhelming majority is with the people not Governments or Institutions…. Remember only recently was Bitcoin allowed to be held by these institutions since the ETF approval on Jan 11th. Humanity front ran Governments and Institutions for 15 years before they could start acquiring this asset.
So how would Patriots truly give Power back to the People? Would it be in the form of allowing them to acquire this new asset (Bitcoin) before Governments could? What if GOLD going to zero against Bitcoin destroys them? Like literally if the primary treasury asset for Governments and Institutions is GOLD and that GOLD went to ZERO against Bitcoin then they would literally be bankrupt? Correct? If they held a worthless asset then what would become of them?
Has Trump been trolling them the entire time with all of his GOLD? He did just release GOLD sneakers lol. And well have you seen his residences? Most of them are also covered in GOLD? Was Trump our ultimate infiltrator using the enemy’s cover of GOLD as his way to sneak past them?
Trump’s rhetoric on crypto has definitely ratcheted up as of late coming out hard against the CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency. Vowing to NEVER allow it protecting Americans from Government Tyranny.
Trump has also changed his tune on Bitcoin as of late calling it another currency and accepting it as payment… many of them were paid for with this ahh "with the NEW CURRENCY" Did you let that slip Trump? KEK
Here it is again in case you missed it…
As I’ve said previously I do believe Trumps biggest legacy will be that of the hashrate of the Bitcoin Network as his term as POTUS started.
The Bitcoin Network is the largest most secure network on the planet at almost 4X the combined Power of the US Navy distributed across the globe.
There is also much more Trump did to help usher in Bitcoin as the new monetary foundation by way of the Treasury and the OCC. My article below goes through it.
What if Bitcoin was “The Plan” all along…
Love it... that Trump is very rascally :-))
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
God want’s slavery in all its forms to end forever. Nothing can do that better than bitcoin and the network being created in real time will protect individual sovereignty, wealth, human rights, communication, history and on and on… For anyone who does not understand this yet keep researching you will in time. Not one person who invested 1000+ hours researching bitcoin comes out saying its a scam 😉
Godbless you Gmoney for your efforts. Be nice to the sleepers though; Jesus never got angry at the those who refused to wake up except the bankers he fukin hated bankers 😂